
Solar Systems

French specialist of Solar Energy for over 40 years, GIORDANO Industries work to provide the people in various parts of the world, the energy of their welfare. GIORDANO Industries factory in Aubagne (France) markets worldwide individual or collective solutions for hot water and heating and solar electricity from renewable sources.

  • It manufactures a unique range of solar collectors and water heaters. The range of systems varies from self contained solar domestic water heaters for households and villas to large capacity systems for collective facility such as hotels, hospitals and office buildings.
  • Its products are aimed at a clientele of private individuals but also of public and private contractors.
  • For hot water and heating from renewable energy GIORDANO Industries designs, manufactures and markets
    innovative technologies, proven and specifically adapted to different geographical situations.
  • GIORDANO Industries particularly well known associate solar systems and thermodynamics, providing facilities particularly high coefficients of performance.

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